2015. május 13., szerda

The rare sincere voice of the unknown neighbour of Kiprich

Jelte Wiersma says goodbye to a Brussels spokesperson who comes from the wrong country, career-wise

Márton Hajdú (36) was the spokesperson of Hungary's Permanent Representation to the European Union. Despite the low ranking of his country, his good-bye party was attended by the most influential Brussels jounralists.
Such as Peter Spiegel (54) from the Financial Times. "After the Greeks, Marton had the hardest task. But he never lied or spun." said Spiegel at the reception organized at the Embassy.

Hajdu became spokesperson in 2010 because Hungary took the rotating presidency of the EU from 2011. "It was a rough ride" he says. For it was in the same year that Viktor Orban became Prime Minister, who often caused disturbance in Brussels. And explaining that was Marton's task. Says Peter Gyorkos, the Hungarian ambassador: "He absolved this without accidents."

Hajdu grew up in the town of Tatabanya. Until 1989 he was neighbours with the soccer player Jozsef Kiprich . He then moved to play at Feyenoord in the Nethelrands and earned the moniker "Wizard from Tatabanya". Hajdu: "As children we'd often played with the headlight wipers of his Lada."


American volunteers who taught in Hungary expanded Hajdu's world:  'I learned from them a differetn way of thinking." Hajdú was then also a good discussion partner for those Americans who wanted to understand Eastern-Europe. He learned about Western Europeans as a student in Breda (NL).
He would have liked to continue as a spokesperson and applied to be one at the European Commission, but was rejected. 'Of course it has nothing to do with my country,' he says with an ironic smile.
Orbán's bad reputation has consequences in Brussels for his compatriots. Hajdú will now become again an official at the Competition Department (of the Commission), where he worked before, until 2010. There he cannot speak publicly. Brussels loses a sincere voice.

NL original:

2015. május 12., kedd

Elsevier cikk nyersforditas

Jelte Wiersma bucsuja egy brusszeli szovivotol aki karrier szempontjabol rossz orszagbol jon
Márton Hajdú (36) Magyarorszag EU melletti allando kepviseletenek szovivoje volt. Hazaja alacsony befolyasa ellenere bucsubulijara a legbefolyasosabb brusszeli ujsagirok jottek el.
Mint peldaul Peter Spiegel (54) a brit Financial Timestol. "A gorog szovivo utan Martonnak volt a legnehezebb dolga. De o sosem kodositett es sosem nyomott propagandat" mondta Spiegel a nagykovetsegen rendezett fogadason.
Hajdu 2010-ben lett szovivo mivel 2011-tol Magyarorszag lett az EU soros elnoke "Kemeny menet volt" mondja. Ugyanebben az evben lett Orban Viktor miniszterelnok, aki sokszor okozott felhordulest Brusszelben. Amit megmagyarazni Hajdu feladata volt. Gyorkos Peter, a magyar nagykovet: "Ezt hiba nelkul teljesitette."
Hajdu Tatabanyan nott fel. 1989-ig a focista Kiprich Jozsef szomszedja volt. O akkor atigazolt a Feyenoordhoz es kierdemelte a "Tatabanyai Varazslo" becenevet. Hajdu: "Gyerekkent mindig a Ladajanak a fenyszoro-torlolapatjaval jatszadoztunk."


Amerikai onkentesek akik Magyarorszagon tanitottak kitagitottak Hajdu vilagat: 'Megtanitottak az amerikai gondolkodasmodra.' Hajdú akkor is hasznos beszelgetotars volt azoknak az amerikaiaknak, akik Kelet-Europat akartak megerteni.
A nyugat-europai gondolkodasmodot bredai diakkent tanulta meg. Szeretett volna szovivo maradni es jelentekezett az Europai Bizottsagnal, de elutasitottak. 'Ennek persze semmi koze nincs ahhoz, hogy melyik orszagbol jovok,' mondja ironikus mosollyal.
Orbán rossz hire kovetkezmenyekkel jar brusszeli honfitarsaira. Hajdú most ujra tisztviselo lesz a Verseny Foigazgatosagon, ahol 2010-ig dolgozott. Ott nem beszelhet nyilvanosan. Brusszel elveszit egy oszinte hangot.

2015. március 13., péntek


Statement of the Hungarian Government Spokesperson concerning press reports about the Paks nuclear project 

"In accordance with the energy strategy of the Government of Hungary and its efforts to strengthen the country’s energy security, decrease carbon-emissions and establish affordable resources of energy, in early 2014 the Cabinet concluded inter-governmental agreements to maintain the domestic nuclear electricity generating capacities of the Paks nuclear plant. Maintaining the Paks capacities would also help to decrease Hungary's dependence on external gas supplies.

These inter-governmental agreements were presented to the relevant EU authorities who, after due and careful survey of the material provided, put forward no objections.

Following this, the authorised Hungarian organisation, entered into three implementation agreements with the authorised Russian organisation, a Rosatom subsidiary, on December 9, 2014. All required notifications were made to the European Commission prior to the signing of these agreements.

Further to the EURATOM (Treaty), the EURATOM Supply Agency (an EU agency) has also reviewed one of the implementation agreements, namely the fuel supply agreement, and has requested certain modifications. Ongoing talks about addressing these observations, however, do not block the project and have no effect on the validity and enforceability of the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Agreement (EPC) that came into force on January 1, 2015.

Our expectation is that, following intensive negotiations, the fuel supply contract will be finalized in line with EURATOM requirements in a matter of weeks.

The above facts clearly demonstrate that yesterday’s announcement by the Financial Times and its “sources” are false and completely misleading. Since any further details on the documentation and ongoing talks constitute classified material and data we cannot provide you with any further information at this point."